The Gorgon in the Gully
by Melina Marchetta
Publisher: Penguin Australia/Puffins
Release Date: September 27, 2010
Format: Paperback
Source: Melina Around the World Challenge
Age Level: Elementary/Middle Grade
I’m excited to have finally had my turn with Gorgon as part of the Melina Around the World Challenge! Gorgon arrived late last week along with postcards from everywhere it’s visited. For those that don’t know, Melina Marchetta is an Australian author and not all of her books are available in the US. So when Carmel offered to send around a copy of Gorgon from Australia, a bunch of us jumped at the opportunity! Melina Marchetta instantly became one of my favorite authors after I read her amazing YA novels, On the Jellicoe Road and Finnikin of the Rock. When I found out that The Gorgon in the Gully‘s protagonist, Danny, was Jonah’s (from Jellicoe Road, and one of my favorite male characters of all time) little brother, I wanted in on the fun.

The Gorgon in the Gully is so stink’n cute! It’s a story about friendship, loyalty, and facing your fears. I love that Jonah appears in this book and is the BEST big brother EVER to Danny, which only makes me love him as a character more… Danny is a good kid – a great son, a good student, and the type of friend anyone would be lucky to have. He just happens to be afraid of… everything.
When Danny looses his team’s lucky signed football in the gully, he realizes he needs to face his biggest fear of all to help out his team. In the process he makes unexpected friends and learns what can be accomplished when friends stick together. The Gorgon in the Gully is a heart-warming read that will leave your insides feeling warm and fuzzy.
I really enjoyed reading this, even as an adult. I wish this book was available to buy in the US, because there are at least 5 kids I’d like to gift this book to!

Author Links: website | twitter | facebook | goodreads
Below is a list of where this book has been so far, and where it’s going. I starred myself as a “Gorgon is here” marker :). Today, I’m on a mission to find a Colorado postcard to include in the package before sending it to Becca in Utah!
Catie – Virginia, USA
Isalmq – Manila, Philippines
Roshini – Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Atiqer – Singapore, Singapore
Arphaxad – Cambridge, UK
Alleycat WPS – Redditch, UK
Michelle – Connecticut, USA
Bluemoon – Ontario, Canada
Alyssa – Ontario, Canada
Wendy F – Michigan, USA
Peep – Pennsylvania, USA
Cassi – Kentucky, USA
Brandi – Tennessee, USA
Heidi I – Illinois, USA
Kristina – Missouri, USA
Jessica – Missouri, USA
*Jen – Colorado, USA
Becca – Utah, USA
Jaimie – California, USA
Claire – California, USA
Shannen – Washington, USA
Bethany – Washington, USA
Amanda – Minnesota, USA