by Catherine Fisher
Published by Dial Books on January 26, 2010
Genres: Dystopian, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 442
Source: Library
Goodreads • Amazon •
Incarceron is a prison unlike any other: Its inmates live not only in cells, but also in metal forests, dilapidated cities, and unbounded wilderness. The prison has been sealed for centuries, and only one man, legend says, has ever escaped.
Finn, a seventeen-year-old prisoner, can’t remember his childhood and believes he came from Outside Incarceron. He’s going to escape, even though most inmates don’t believe that Outside even exists. And then Finn finds a crystal key and through it, a girl named Claudia.
Claudia claims to live Outside—her father is the Warden of Incarceron and she’s doomed to an arranged marriage. If she helps Finn escape, she will need his help in return. But they don’t realize that there is more to Incarceron than meets the eye. Escape will take their greatest courage and cost far more than they know.
Because Incarceron is alive. (Goodreads)
I’m hesitant to post this review… but it’s important to me to be honest and to not filter my posts.
I was so excited to read this book. The cover is just beautiful! It was nominated as a book club read so I immediately voted for it, and I was giddy when it won. Unfortunately, it just did not live up to my expectations. I almost gave up and returned it to the library twice, and I rarely, if ever give up on books. I struggled through the first 1/3 of the book. I was unable to picture Incareron – the prison – in my mind. At about 120 pages I finally started getting into the story, and it did get much better. However, for me this book fell short in so many ways. I had a hard time connecting with the characters, and I didn’t understand the relationship between Finn and Keiro. Also, some scenes seemed disconnected to me, and far fetched. Yes, this is a fantasy but at times it seemed disjointed and I had a hard time going with the story. I do have to say that the concept of Incarceron is fascinating, and that alone kept me reading. Also, that Incarceron is a prison, really, inside a prison itself made me feel sorry for them all.
I know there are so many people that loved this book. I really wanted to fall in love this series, but it just didn’t happen for me *running from all the rotten tomatoes being thrown at me*.
I'm sorry you didn't like this one! 🙁 I hadn't heard of it. It sounds like a really good concept though.I'll have to see, the cover and the description sound really good so this might be one I'll want to see for myself about. But great review! Never fear, you don't sound mean or anything. I know it can be a hard thing to post bad ratings/reviews for books, but like you said, we have to be honest in our reviews and you did just that. Also, you made some very valid points and all of your criticisms are constructive. So don't worry, I personally won't be throwing any tomatoes at least! lol :)~ Sarah ♥ I'm Loving Books
Thanks Sarah! I just hate negating someone's art. And this book won awards and there are many people who absolutely loved it. I feel like the odd one out. I hope you read it, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Nothing wrong with being honest! 🙂 I have yet to read this series, I have both but haven't. I felt this way about Hunger Games – everyone else in the world was in love with them and I thought Hunger Games was just meh. very average by the end. I actually almost made THG a did not finish – but then enjoyed Catching Fire. You can't like every book – thanks for the honest review 🙂