Hi peeps! I just wanted to give a quick update about my life… I recently obtained more work for my business, which is awesome for business… but I’m not sure yet how it will impact A Book and a Latte. I hope it will not be noticeable, but I’m not sure how realistic it will be to keep up my current pace. My work schedule fluctuates and right now I’m back to working full time plus potential overtime to meet a deadline. So, please bear with me as I figure out how to manage my work, blog, and personal time over the next few months. I’m not going anywhere, I just might have to slow down a bit when things get hectic.
To celebrate my business getting more work, the end of summer, and the beginning of fall… I thought this would be the perfect time to have another giveaway! This contest will run through the autumnal equinox (or September equinox), when autumn officially begins on September 23rd. I can not wait for fall, it’s my favorite season! OK, so here are the details…
I will be giving away the winner’s choice of one of the following new or upcoming releases, in either physical or ebook format:

If the chosen book hasn’t been released by September 23rd, I will pre-order the winner a copy. Contest details:
- To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter
- Contest is open to US residents only
- Contest ends at 12:01 AM on September 24, 2011
- Entrants must be age 13 or older