Paper Towns by John Green, read by Dan John Miller
Publisher: Dutton and Brilliance Audio
Release Date: October 16, 2008
Format: Audiobook (8 hours)
Source: Library
Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary
Buy: Amazon | IndieBound
Paper Towns was the first John Green novel I picked up. I have no idea how I missed out on this for so long! I finally understand the awesomeness of Green’s books. His characterizations are right on – his characters realistic and relatable. The writing is clever, with dialogue that’s honest and… real.
There are so many things that I loved about Paper Towns… I loved how insightful Q, the protagonist was and how he observed people around him and analyzed himself. I loved the message about accepting a person for who they really are, not how you think they should be, and being real – finding your own truth.
“What a treacherous thing to believe that a person is more than a person.”
The storyline is witty and realistic (have I said that word enough?), about Q’s quest to find Margo that includes an epic road trip with his crew. Paper Towns is somewhat of a mystery as Margo leaves clues for Q when she up and disappears. I loved the road trip – there’s excitement, adventure, and parts were downright hysterical. It made me feel nostalgic and seriously had me laughing out loud! I also really enjoyed how Green incorporated Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, and referred to The Great Gatsby and Moby Dick.
I listened to the audio version of this book. I felt that the narrator, Dan John Miller, suited Q perfectly… I never doubted that he was the character. I think he did a great job with timing and the voices.
Paper Towns was a great introduction to John Green’s novels, and honestly I think it’s my favorite (I’ve read/listened to 4). Add this one to your TBR list, or better yet, go pick up a copy today! DFTBA.

[…] Book and A Latte is a huge audio book lover and she has a great review about Paper Towns by John Green up on her website. John Green keeps popping up on my radar, I really need to read […]
[…] The Fault in Our Stars success. I’m already looking forward to another one of his novels, Paper Towns, being made into a movie, currently expected to release in 2015 (details […]