Hi there! So while I was preparing (mentally) to move the blog from Blogger to WordPress, I decided to attempt teaching myself how to use PhotoShop Elements (PSE) so I could create a header and new badge… I also want to use PSE for work purposes, and I figure creating stuff for the blog is a good way to learn. Once I get better at it, and faster (I am so, so slow…), I can start applying my new skills elsewhere.
I have a long, long way to go, but I’m pretty happy with the banner! For now anyway, we’ll see how long it lasts :). Once I settled on the header, it was easy enough to create a new button (nothing fancy, but it matches!), and I even made a rating system out of coffee beans! I’m so proud… I updated my recent reviews to include the bean rating if you’d like to check it out (review links in sidebar).
Here’s A Book and a Latte’s new button, if you’d like to grab it!

Have you dabbled in PSE? Any tips for a newbie? The more comfortable I get with it, the more I want to do! Ha…