Please welcome Suzanne Lazear, author of Innocent Darkness! She’s stopping by today to share a guest post as part of her blog tour organized by Mundie Moms.

Wish. Love. Desire. Live.Sixteen-year-old Noli Braddock’s hoyden ways land her in an abusive reform school far from home. On mid-summer’s eve she wishes to be anyplace but that dreadful school. A mysterious man from the Realm of Faerie rescues her and brings her to the Otherworld, only to reveal that she must be sacrificed, otherwise, the entire Otherworld civilization will perish. (Goodreads)Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Indiebound
Must Haves for Writing
by Suzanne Lazear
I’m pretty adaptable when it comes to writing. I work full time and have a family. My writing time is at a premium, so I’ve learned to write whenever, wherever, from the work cafeteria to sitting on the foot of my daughter’s bed.
I wrote INNOCENT DARKNESS in two chunks. I wrote the first 11 chapters during a fast draft class, where the goal is to draft a 70k book in 2 weeks. I only got about 30k in, working on my laptop at night after my daughter went to bed, or while sitting on the couch and writing while she watched TV.
I wrote the remaining 66k during NaNoWriMo of 2009. (Though I shaved about 10k off in edits.) That was really rough since I was working full time and I have vivid memories of sitting on the floor and writing 8k on Thanksgiving Day in order to finish in time. I vividly remember someone saying something to the effect of “Oh, you’re trying to write a book? That’s so nice. Don’t be disappointed if nothing ever happens with it. Publishing is really hard. Greater people than you have tried and failed.”
Yeah. At least I had motivational pie.
Really, all I need to write is my laptop. I could be sitting anywhere—the kitchen table, the couch, the floor. I do like listening to music while I write, but it’s not always a must have unless I’m writing someplace noisy, or my family has a TV show not conducive to what I’m writing on in the background. (It can be hard to write kissing scenes with animated kids shows or Dirty Jobs going on.) I find music to be very inspiriting and I do like to make playlists for my books. I have the book 1 playlist up on the extras page at
If I have major word count or revision goals, like during NaNoWriMo or a deadline, I’ll bribe myself with cookies or chocolate. (As in, if I write 500 words I get a cookie, there was a lot of bribing myself with cookies while writing INNOCENT DARKNESS) I’m a big fan of Cadbury fruit and nut bars, toffee from Trader Joes, sour patch kids, and those butter cookies with the slabs of chocolate on them. Also, it can be fun to work out problem scenes with sour patch kids.
I’ve also found a mini trebuchet can be handy when writing.
Thank you so much for having me on today.
~Suzanne Lazear
About the author:
Suzanne Lazear’s young adult steampunk dark fairytale, INNOCENT DARKNESS, book 1 of The Aether Chronicles, will be released from Flux in August of 2012. Suzanne lives in Southern California with her daughter, the hubby, and a hermit crab, where she’s currently attempting to make a raygun to match her ballgown. She’s also part of the Steampunk group blog Steamed
Author Links:
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Aether Chronicles
(photo and bio from author’s website)
Many thanks to Suzanne for stopping by today!
Twitter: fakesteph
I just did Fast Draft and it was awesome! I’m kind of excited that it’s worked for people who are doing things with their writing! Although, I’ve always failed Nano… next year. 🙂
fakesteph recently posted..St. Vladimir’s Summer School Week Five: Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead
Thank you Jen for being on the tour!
Mundie Moms recently posted..VOTE FOR WILL!
Twitter: Global_grrl
What is Fast Draft??
Twitter: blookgirl
Hooray for a fellow Wrimo! It seems like many authors, both traditionally-published and indie, participate in NaNoWriMo. I know that The Night Circus was spawned from NaNo. How cool!
I adore the cover for this book and the synopsis is certain intriguing. I will definitely be giving it a read.
Thanks, Jen, for hosting the stop! 🙂 <3
Twitter: kimbacaffeinate
It was interesting how this book was written. NaNo has produced some awesome books like Night Circus. I love the cover of Innocent Darkness.
kimbacaffeinate recently posted..Redemption by Susannah Sandlin
I’ve started bribing myself with chocolate this year for Camp NaNoWriMo. But I’ll definitely have to try the acting problem scenes out with sour patch kids tactic
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