Weekly News
Hello! I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend last week. I spent the week/end working on house projects (Project Brass Door Hardware Elimination) and spending time with friends, and didn’t have much time to post. So… this week’s Post will cover the past two weeks! OK, ready? Have your coffee? Here we go.
- Blog Tour: Confessions of an Angry Girl by Louise Rozett (scene from Jamie’s POV)
- WoW Pick of the Week (8.29.12): Poison Princess
- My Fall TBR List: Top Ten
- WoW Pick of the Week (9.5.12): The Archived
- Review: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
- Movie Teaser/Trailer: Breaking Dawn 2
- GIVEAWAY for #ArmyOfTen: TEN by Gretchen McNeil
In other
fun fan-freaking-tastic news… Last week, John Green called into my book club’s meeting for The Fault in Our Stars! I had applied for a call-in (through Penguin’s Book Club promotion), but honestly, I really didn’t believe it would happen. Especially when I never heard back. And then I noticed a missed call, and voice-mail on my cell… from JOHN freaking GREEN (yes, authors are my rockstars). There was a mix up with the time zones so he called at 7PM EDT, 2 hours before our meeting started (we’re in MDT). John, being the Awesome person he is, called back for our meeting. We’re so grateful that he took the time to talk to us, even though it was pretty late for him. I can’t even describe how great it was to discuss TFiOS — Hazel and Augustus, what inspired the story, Isaac, Van Houten — and even his writing process (he’s a drafter, not an outliner… does that qualify him as a “pantser”?). The experience, in a word, was AWESOME, and definitely diminished some of the Suck in the world. DFTBA.
Book Haul
(aka Stacking the Shelves)
Many thanks to HarperTeen for sending me a finished copy of Defiance by C. J. Redwine! It’s sooo pretty and I was so freaking excited and surprised when it arrived. I was planning on buying it too! I was also excited to receive a hardcover of Skinny by Donna Cooner from Scholastic!! I love surprise mail :).
Thanks to Harper Audio for making my week! They sent me Carnival of Souls by Melissa Marr (narrated by James Marsters, as in Spike from Buffy…), and Don’t Turn Around by Michelle Gagnon. I plan to listen to both this month, YAY!
Oh, and uh, I went to the library to pick up 2 things and left with all these books…
… and audiobooks:
Currently Reading
Yes, I really am in the middle of this many books… it’s kind of crazy. I’m just starting to get into the audiobook of Carnival of Souls, so far I’m liking it! Can you tell I’m freaked about the idea of participating in NaNoWriMo?! Considering that I haven’t written creatively since middle or high school… it will be a feat if I finish!
What are you reading?
This coming week is going to be a week of reviews! I pinkie swear that I’ll be posting at least 3! As always, I’ll post my WoW pick of the week… and I may surprise you with something. Hmm… maybe a giveaway!
Have a great week!
Twitter: fakesteph
Dude!!!!! I’m incredibly jealous but also really excited for you that you got to talk to John Green.
And yaaaay Nano. I don’t know if I can participate, because I have so many classes and am trying to revise my novel, buuuut. i just did fast draft, which is nano on crack, and I didn’t think i could do it, but I did. And I think that you’re going to do it, too.
fakesteph recently posted..Sundays In Bed With… The Raven Boys
Twitter: jeneaw0716
Wow, Carnival of Souls and Don’t Turn Around on audio. I bet they will be fantastic. Audio books are my new friend. I have found so many that I can not get from library. Yay me.. Enjoy your haul…
Jenea @ Books Live Forever
Jenea Whittington recently posted..The Sunday Post #15
Very cool that John Green called your book club! Major squeee! And yea for libraries! I always wind up checking out more than planned, as libraries are awesome! Enjoy!
Alexia561 recently posted..Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2012
Wow – that’s seriously awesome about John Green calling in. Good luck with NaNoWriMo and all those amazing looking books.
Tanya Patrice recently posted..The Sunday Best {16}
Twitter: kimbacaffeinate
We have a brass door elimination project in the works..lol Our house was built in 1998 when brass was all the rage..eek. Awesome about the John Green call. I haven’t read anything by him *gasps* I know! Just an awesome book haul this week. Defiance is on my wish list! Have a super week and thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post
kimbacaffeinate recently posted..The Sunday Post ~sharing blog news and book haul
Twitter: myeclecticbooks
Don’t Turn Around looks awesome and I’ll definitely have to listen to the audio of the new Marr!!
My Added to the Bookshelf post!
♥ Melissa @ Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf
Melissa recently posted..Added to the Bookshelf – 9/9/12
Twitter: NinaReads
Darn, I’m a little jealous of your book club right now! So awesome when authors take the time to talk to their fans like that:)
Also I’ll totally be buying Carnival of Souls with my next Audible credit based solely on it being read by James Marsters!:P
Nina Reads recently posted..Time for a new Bloggiesta!
Twitter: ele05gs
Nice haul!
And DAMN! John Green called your book club!! Can I join you? LOL
Happy reading!
My StS!!
I am so jealous!!! John Green is awesome — that’s great that he phoned in AND phoned again at the right time. DFTBA!!!!
Skinny looks super good! And I really need to start the Amanda Hocking series … it looks great!
Have a great week, Jen!
Kristilyn (Reading in Winter) recently posted..CHALLENGE: Bloggiesta – Fall 2012 Sign-Up & Goal Post
I’ve heard those Amanda Hocking books are really good! My students love them! Also John Green calling your book club is awesome!

Christina BookTasty recently posted..Putting the Spy Skills to the Test: Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter
Twitter: rocapri
jealous of the carnival of souls audio book. enjoy
roro @roro is reading recently posted..WOW #12
OMG Let’s Pretend This Never Happened as an audiobook? That would be awesome. It’s such a funny book. You’ll love it.
NaNoWriMo will be great! I did it last year and it was an amazing experience. I was able to get my story started, and I’m in the middle of revising it now. Find other people who are doing it and you can keep each other motivated. That’s what helped keep me going. I probably won’t do it again, but it taught me to discipline myself in my writing. Hope you enjoy it!

Jessica S. recently posted..Guest Posts Wanted & Sunday Replay #3
Twitter: myparahangover
Holy cow are you busy or what!?!?!?! That was so entirely awesome to get those audiobooks in the mail AND a finished Defiance (I loved that one!) But then you took out more from the library!! You’re a glutton!! I love it!! I need to start listening to books – I’ll probably get to more of my old series that way. Like I swore I’d give the Fever series a try….
Have fun getting ready for NaNoWriMo – make sure you have fun!!!
Kristin Clifton recently posted..Clock Rewinders and a Sunday Post 4
Twitter: lioamanda
Good luck with NaNo! I just finished Camp NaNo last month and am thinking about doing November too..eep!
Amanda @ Letters Inside Out recently posted..Review + Giveaway: Chasing McCree by JC Isabella
Twitter: michellesedeno
Yesterday TFiOS arrived from the giveaway I won and I’m sooo excited! You’re so lucky to able to talk to him!
And, DEFIANCE! I’ve been wanting for that book. I always wonder how to contact HarperTeen or other publishers to ask for a review copy. .. :l
Michelle Shouts Random
Michelle Sedeño recently posted..Cover Reveal: Reaping Me Softly by Kate Evangelista