Peeps, it’s almost time! Time for Fall TV shows to begin. Holla! If you missed out on my TV schedule for last season post, well now you can learn more about by nerdy geekness. Yes, I make a spreadsheet for my TV shows! I’ve been doing this for a few years, and my friends actually ask for me to share it! So, here it is. 😉 I’m glad to be of service. Please note that all times are in CST.

Shows that ended or were cancelled: One Tree Hill, The Secret Circle, Ringer, House, & Make It Or Break It. It’s kind of sad to say, but I’m not really going to miss any of these shows. I think Ringer should have been a mini-series, instead of a full series anyway. The Secret Circle just fell flat for me. As for the rest, it was just time for them to end.
Shows I’m giving up: Gossip Girl and Private Practice. I’m so done with Gossip Girl… I can’t believe I continued watching it for as long as I did! I’ll probably watch the final season of Private Practice once it’s up on Instant Netflix next year.
I admit this schedule is a bit crazy, and I couldn’t do it without TiVo and Hulu! Though I don’t expect to keep watching all the new shows (highlighted in yellow). There are a TON of new series premiering this year, after a bunch of shows were axed.
In case anyone is wondering, I don’t get HBO, Showtime, etc. So that’s why Game of Thrones is not above. I have to wait to get it on DVD from Netflix. Also, I’m keeping my eye on developments with The Selection (YA book by Kiera Cass) on the CW. The script is currently being rewritten, and there’s still a possibility it will air mid-season.
Is a show that you’re super excited about missing from my list? I’m open to recommendations, though really, I do NOT need to any more shows. What do you plan to watch? Did your favorite show get axed?
Twitter: kimbacaffeinate
You forgot, Dr. Who, Fringe and Lost Girl..eep! LOL. Hey and this is not geeky, we have 2 DVR’s and fine tuning the fall line-up is serious business. We never watch shows live, so we can blast past the commericals..hehehe.
kimbacaffeinate recently posted..City of Demons by Kevin Harkness
Twitter: bookandlatte
Yes! We have 2 TiVos for this purpose :). Actually, I didn’t forget Lost Girl, the current running season (in the US) will be over before the fall shows really begin (there’s only 3 episodes left I think). I tried Fringe and Dr. Who and just couldn’t get into them :(.
Jen recently posted..Blog Tour: Rebels By Accident by Patricia Dunn
OMG there are so many great new shows starting this fall and I’m super excited! One of my favorite shows Grimm already started season 2 and I’m just loving it 🙂
Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books recently posted..Review: The Probability of Miracles
Twitter: OtherwhereCo
I think we have rival spreadsheets for TV watching my friend!! One of these days I should post all crap I watch. And by crap I mean anything that isn’t Buffy, which I am always watching.
jessi recently posted..[Movie Reviews]: The Dark Knight Rises #movie-reviews
Twitter: artnmakeuplover
I haven’t watched gossip girl in a long time. I can’t wait to watch Scandal and Grey’s anatomy.
caffeinejunkie recently posted..Review. Sad Desk Salad by Jessica Grose
Twitter: rocapri
i can’t for beauty and the beast , arrow .pls my local tv air it.
roro @roro is reading recently posted..WOW #10
Let’s see…
I’m going to watch Hart of Dixie, Switched at Birth and TVD.
I don’t know anything about the new ones, yet! 🙂
But oh, The Carrie Diaries sounds interesting.
Thanks for the schedule!
Cayce recently posted..Insurgent by Veronica Roth
Twitter: bookandlatte
I can’t wait for those, especially TVD! I hope Switched at Birth picks back up, I thought last season wasn’t as good as the first.
Jen recently posted..I’ve joined the #ArmyOfTen
Twitter: workformandroid
I got a chance to see the pilots for The Following and Revolution at Comic Con back in July. After five or ten minutes of The Following, I had to play on my iPhone. That show is gooooorey and graphic. I can’t believe it’s airing on network television. Revolution on the other hand was AWESOME. My cowriter in crime will have a review of it on our blog tomorrow evening.
Also saw Beauty & the Beast and really disliked it, totally not my thing. Based on some of the other shows you watch, you might enjoy it and it might be like TVD, which had one of the worst pilots I’ve ever seen and now it’s my favorite show.
I watch too much television as well.
Leslie recently posted..Author Tour Review & CONTEST: Fractured Light by Rachel McClelland
Twitter: bookandlatte
Oooh, I’m so jealous! Thanks for the heads up on The Following, Revolution, and Beauty and the Beast. Seriously, I have very low low expectations for B&tB… I doubt I’ll get past the first episode, it looks awful but I’m just curious to know what they did with the story. I’m excited for Revolution, but I’m trying not to get my hopes up (like I did for Terra Nova, which was a disappointment and was cancelled).
I’m really looking forward to The Following! Was the pilot you saw the final cut? If it’s that gory, I wonder if they’ll keep it that way for network television. I’m not big into gore… but the topic fascinates me. The show Hannibal sounds fantastic! As a Silence of the Lambs (Red Dragon, and Hannibal) fan, I hope it lives up to my expectations.
Jen recently posted..I’ve joined the #ArmyOfTen
No Once Upon A Time??!! I love that one. I am missing Smash already, can’t believe it won’t be back until Winter 2013. Seems so far away! But I heard that Ellis isn’t coming back…intrigue! I’m excited for Heart of Dixie too. I was glad that one was renewed. So cute!
Courtney @ Fuzzy.Coffee.Books
Courtney @ Fuzzy.Coffee.Books recently posted..Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne
Twitter: bookandlatte
No, sorry. I watched Once Upon A Time for a while but I realized I was just watching it to watch it. It didn’t do much for me so I stopped. I may pick it up again later (love my instant Netflix!).
Jen recently posted..I’ve joined the #ArmyOfTen
Anyone else out there going to be using Prime Time Anytime? I just got the Hopper from Dish, and it’ll actually automatically record all my Prime Time shows, on all FOUR major networks. I always watch Criminal Minds and Modern Family, but I guess I’ll be able to check out a few more shows this season! I work a ton of overtime for Dish, so I definitely need my DVR. It’s nice knowing I can have it all recorded for me when I get home.
Yes! I love that someone else does this! I keep track of mine in a written book, and also write any shows in that I watch on Netflix or borrow the DVD’s from the library so I don’t forget what episode I’m on too. I agree with you that Gossip Girl is totally sucking, I should give that up too. I haven’t watched any of PP last season, so I’m not sure where I stand on that.
So many good new shows are coming out this year, I hope half don’t get canceled! (I’m still bitter over Hellcats). I’m interested to see what they do with The Carrie Diaries because I didn’t care too much for the books. I’m also going to watch 666 Park Avenue.
Jessica recently posted..Dead Ringer by Allen Wyler
Twitter: bookandlatte
I’m still bitter over Life Unexpected! I was bummed about Hellcats, but really ticked off about LifeU.
Jen recently posted..I’ve joined the #ArmyOfTen
Twitter: sawcat
I will follow my captain to wherever he or his crew shows up. So Castle is a must watch for me. I’ll miss Secret Circle. It had potential, and the commercials for that Emily whatsit MD show look really, really bad. With that, I’m sticking with Hawaii 5 O, Hart of Dixie, TVD, the USA shows, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones and The Borgias when they are back. I’m really liking The Newsroom, but then I loved Aaron Sorkin’s series. And Haven will be back in September <3
I'm definitely going to try Arrow, especially since John Barrowman is going to be on it. I'm trying Copper now, and looking forward to Ripper Street and Spies of Warsaw. I will probably watch the sequel to The Hour too.
sawcat recently posted..Partial to the Past Historical Fiction Giveaway Hop
Twitter: bookandlatte
Oooh, thank you for reminding me about USA shows! I forgot Covert Affairs! Last fall too many shows conflicted so I let it go, and caught it on Hulu. This year, schedule wise, it may work! I need to add it…
Jen recently posted..The Sunday Post (15): Book Haul & Blog News
Twitter: fakesteph
I seriously need to catch up on Castle. LOOOVE that show. And I love HIMYM and Criminal Minds. so good!
fakesteph recently posted..Blog Tour: The Dark Light by Sara Walsh (Interview and Giveaway)
Twitter: bookandlatte
OMG, yes you do! Like now! Last season’s finale was freaking awesome. I can’t wait for the premiere!
Jen recently posted..I’ve joined the #ArmyOfTen
I looooved House — I was so sad that it ended! Same thing with Chuck. And Gossip Girl is ending this year! Makes me sad, but I guess it’s time.
I keep a bit of a schedule, too … it just makes things easier!
Shows that we plan to watch this year include Homeland, Revenge, Once Upon a Time, How I Met Your Mother, Being Human, Raising Hope, Parenthood, Don’t Trust the B**** in Apartment 23, Cougar Town, Suburgatory, Modern Family, Glee, Vampire Diaries, The Big Bang Theory, Person of Interest, and Touch.
Geez, that looks like a lot!
NEW SHOWS we’re hoping to watch (or, at least, the ones I’ve added to my schedule — hubs’ll have to put up with them!): Elementary, The Carrie Diaries, Revolution, and 666 Park Avenue.
The ones I’m most excited for are Revenge, Modern Family, and Parenthood. And I’m very interested in The Selection! One I loved over the summer and wish it was on during the winter is Bunheads — I love that show!
Anyway, great post! Nice to see someone else who loves TV shows like me. 🙂
Kristilyn (Reading in Winter) recently posted..ARC REVIEW: Confessions of an Angry Girl (Confessions, #1), by Louise Rozett
Twitter: bookandlatte
Oooh, I’ve been wanting to try Being Human! I need to check it out. I think I saw it on Netflix Instant. Hmm…
Jen recently posted..I’ve joined the #ArmyOfTen
Twitter: myeclecticbooks
So glad I am not the only one! I have a spreadsheet like your sorted by premiere date and printed out and hung on my fridge!
I gave up on House but may have to watch the last season eventually & you are so right about Terra Nova being such a disappointment!
I’d add Grimm & Person of Interest to your list.
PS love this post…I’ve been thinking of doing a similar one since I saw Parajunkies! 😀
Melissa recently posted..Book Review & Freebie Giveaway: Veil Between Worlds by Sally Dubats
I really need to do this, now that I have cable with DVR this year. Glad I’m not the only crazy one out there!
Twitter: bookandlatte
Nope not at all :).
Jen recently posted..I’ve joined the #ArmyOfTen
Twitter: MidnightOrchid
I don’t have a spreadsheet all laid out like this, but I do have a list that I plan on inputting to my Google calendar in the next week or so, so you definitely aren’t alone in liking tv!
Melissa’s Midnight Musings recently posted..Behind the Blog 16: The Soundtrack to My Life
Twitter: bookandlatte
A google calendar is a great idea!
Jen recently posted..I’ve joined the #ArmyOfTen
Twitter: KathyHS87
I’m so jealous! I need to get my own place again so I can watch real television!
Kathy Schneider recently posted..Friday’s Letters
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