Hi peeps! It’s another Follow and Hop Friday (OK, OK, so technically it’s friday eve… I just wanted to post before going to bed…). The goal of FF and Blogger Hop is to discover new blogs and friends. So hello and welcome!

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee’s View!
This week’s FF question comes from Ninja Girl at Ninja Girl Reads:
Q.  It’s circle time. Time for us to open up and share. Can you tell us FIVE quirky habits or things about you? We all have them…

A. Yikes! OK, here I go:
  1. I love sharks. Really! They’re such a misunderstood species. I actually took a course on Shark Awareness and did two PADI shark dives in the Bahamas for a certification. I was thrilled and awed to have so many (13+) sharks swarming around us as we were kneeling on the ocean floor. I still have the shark tooth I found during one of the SCUBA dives.
  2. I’m determined that I WILL go into space one day. I’m saving my pennies.
  3. I once won an archery tournament at summer camp.
  4. I’m kind of known to have a Snow White complex, meaning, I believe that all animals love me. “Ohhh… look how cute the little bear is…”, though I only observe and do not interfere, approach, or antagonize wild animals.
  5. I have a fear of dark windows, once the sun goes down I have to pull all the blinds/curtains to cover the windows. I don’t like the idea of people being able to see in, when I can’t see out. 

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy for Books.
This week’s Hop question came from Ivan at Ivan Bookworm:
Q.  If you were given the chance to spend one day in the fictional world (from a book), which book would it be from and what would that place be?

A.  I had to think about this one for a while! My first thought was immediately Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series… but that seemed too easy. So… for one day… I would want to spend it at Hex Hall (from the Hex Hall series). I just think it’d be so awesome to hang out with witches/warlocks, shifters, vampires, ghosts, demons, and faeries for a while. I’d want to be a witch though! 

Thank you to Parajunkee and Crazy for Books for hosting these link ups! These were great questions, and I’m looking forward to blog hopping to see how everyone answered :). 
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27 Responses to A Follow and a Hop Friday (2)

  1. gabrielreads says:

    New follower!I chose a Harry Potter locale (Diagon Alley) for the Hop this week. It's nice to see places from books that I've never heard of before. It's just adds to my burgeoning TBR list. :)Also, I'm going into space someday, too. It's been my dream since I was a kid. Maybe we'll meet each other on our overpriced shuttle ride.http://gabrielreads.blogspot.com/2011/05/book-blogger-hop.html

  2. Brodie says:

    Ahhh, that would totally freak me out being surrounded by all those sharks! You are a brave, brave soul ๐Ÿ˜‰ I'm totally with you on your goal to go to space one day and your fear of dark windows. Curtains or blinds are a must. Way too creepy the thought of people peering in without knowing *looks around paranoid*Haha, I totally went with the Harry Potter series, I couldn't resist! But Hex Hall would be so awesome! I think I'd want to be either a witch or a shapeshifter.I just finished reading Demonglass the other day and LOVED it. My Blog Hop"

  3. Ninja Girl says:

    Oh, you have one of the coolest 5 things I've read! All your stuff is really unique and interesting. I can relate to #5, totally get the whole not being able to see out thing. It makes me feel a bit blind to tell the truth not to mention scared. So, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting ๐Ÿ™‚ I too absolutely love SYTYCD! Never miss an episode if I can help it. And ABDC, too (though I think season one's crews were the best). Following you now, and can't wait to read more of your posts,Ninja Girl

  4. Kayleigh says:

    I love sharks and am always saddened when people go out to kill them after a shark attack, it really doesn't seem fair to me. However I'm not sure that I'll ever be swimming with them, I think going to one of those aquarium where you walk and are surrounded by the fish and water creatures will be as close as I get! check out my answers at <a href="http://kfmurphy.blogspot.com/http://kfmurphy.blogspot.com/<br />New follower ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Soon Hana says:

    Oh wow, you are seriously a cool person. I mean, shark dives in Bahamas and studying abroad near Paris? Beyond awesomeness! I would love to do really cool things like that but somehow my life is same old, same old. I'm a new follower from Follow Friday! (^.^)V

  6. We Fancy Books says:

    Hopping by to say Hi *waves*I'm your newest Follower!Here is my list! of Quirky Habits!Happy Friday to you!

  7. Sarah says:

    It's probably a good thing that you don't go around petting bears. Let's keep it like that. Don't pet the sharks either though!! lolI also had a knack for archery in elementary school. Whenever we had summer camp that's where I'd be. Now though, I absolutely suck at it. ๐Ÿ˜›Here's my Blog Hop & Follow Friday♥ Sarah

  8. bex says:

    Okay, first of all, sharks? LOL. Oh my, I got panicky just reading about those dives! But I bet it would be cool! And I'm real glad you don't interact with all animals, lol.I'm also scared of dark windows! It creeps me out… Isch…My quirky list can be found here!Rebecca @ kindle fever

  9. Christy @TheReaderBe says:

    New follower, hopping through!Hex Hall would be an awesome place to visit. I'd love to meet Archer!! I hate dark windows too. I have to have everything shut up tight at night! :)Happy Hopping!

  10. Amanda says:

    Old follower, hope things are going great for you! I'm the same as you with the "Snow White" mentality…although I usually try to tame some of the animals. Has ended in cuts, bites, and scratches many times! I never learn though!Amandahttp://www.lettersinsideout.com/2011/05/ff-blog-hop-12.html

  11. Jenni Elyse says:

    You and I are kindred spirits! I also believe that all animals love me and I want one of every animal as a pet.And, I don't like dark windows either. They scare me. I also cannot hang a mirror across from a window because I don't want to see the window in the mirror after dark.

  12. Tribute Books Mama says:

    Just hopping by, happy Friday.here's mine:http://tributebooksmama.blogspot.com/2011/05/book-blogger-hop_20.html

  13. Amber Griffiths says:

    I love sharks too! Great Whites and Whale Sharks are my absolute favourites. I have to thank my uncle, who used to tell me fascinating facts about sharks all the time when I was younger. I'd love to do a Shark Awareness course! It sounds amazing *is in awe*Have a great weekend!Books of Amber

  14. Howard Sherman says:

    I’ve seen a lot of great picks and gathered some fresh titles to add to my ever-growing TBR list. My answer will probably stun most people because the world I picked is a place most people would be scared to death of and try to escape from. Me? I want in. Hop on over to my blog and be prepared for the unexpected – <a href="http://www.howardsherman.nethttp://www.howardsherman.net<br /> Howard Shermanhttp://www.howardsherman.net

  15. Lindsay :) says:

    New follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I haven't read the Hex Hall series yet…sounds cool though. Everyone seems to be picking Hogwarts haha.

  16. Lady Scribbles says:

    I love sharks too~! They really are misunderstood, I saw a whole documentary on them. I'm passionately against shark hunting, it's unbelievably cruel. I also believe in shutting the blinds on dark windows. Ah nice choice, Hex hall seems like fun for a day trip.

  17. Alison says:

    Hopping through. Hex Hall is a great idea for a world to be in. Such fun books.My IMM

  18. pussreboots says:

    I like sharks too but I haven't taken a special class about them. I've been mulling over this question now for about three hours. Picking just one is never easy for me. I've read so many wonderful books over the years. Come see what I chose.

  19. Melissa says:

    just so you know I am the same way about dark windows!! I hate having to walk past windows in the dark I always feel like someone I can't see is watching me!

  20. Ange says:

    I hate dark windows as well, they freak me out. Happy Reading =). Ange

  21. Marla says:

    Hi, and thanks for stopping by. I am returning the follow. Excellent choice! I just finished the first two Hex Hall books recently. It would definitely make for an interesting visit! Happy reading!

  22. Kaity says:

    Thanks for stopping by Bitten Books. I'm following your blog now too :)Now you've got my all paranoid about my windows! ๐Ÿ˜‰ It actually doesn't bother me except in the bathroom. Some genius put a giant window in the bathroom and made the pool deck level with it. We've had neighborhood kids 'pool hop' at night before so I'm always crazy about the blinds in there.

  23. Meg @ A Bookish Affa says:

    Haha, I guess you could say that I also have a Snow White complex. I love animals and think they all love me. I live less than a mile away from the zoo and I'm there all the time!

  24. Jamie Kline says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me! I'm the same way with dark windows. If we have the blinds open and the curtains drawn back at night, I always feel like someone's watching me. Such a creepy feeling. So I always close the blinds and curtains right away! I can also kind of relate to the shark thing. I always hate when people act like they're just blood thirsty predators waiting to tear people apart, when that's just not true. So I always correct them!

  25. fakesteph says:

    I totally said Harry Potter, but Hex Hall is in my TBR pile. I may have to bump it to the top. ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Donna says:

    Hi. Great Blog. I am a new follower via the blog hop. Would love to have to follow my blog at <a href="http://mylife-in-stories.blogspot.comhttp://mylife-in-stories.blogspot.com<br />Thanks. Donna

  27. TheBookAddictedGirl says:

    Hi! Thanks for the follow, just returned it! :)Eek, never thought about dark windows. That's a good point… And Harry Potter would be at the top of my list too, closely followed by Vampire Academy or The Mortal Instruments.Hope you had a great weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚

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