by Lauren Oliver
Published by HarperAudio, HarperTeen, Listening Library on February 1, 2011
Genres: Dystopian, Romance, Young Adult
Format: Audiobook
Source: Library
Goodreads • Amazon •
Before scientists found the cure, people thought love was a good thing. They didn’t understand that once love -- the deliria -- blooms in your blood, there is no escaping its hold. Things are different now. Scientists are able to eradicate love, and the governments demands that all citizens receive the cure upon turning eighteen. Lena Holoway has always looked forward to the day when she’ll be cured. A life without love is a life without pain: safe, measured, predictable, and happy. But with ninety-five days left until her treatment, Lena does the unthinkable: She falls in love. (Goodreads)
Stunning. Heartbreaking. Captivating. Beautiful.
Can you imagine love being considered a deadly disease, illegal? A disease so life threatening that it’s required by the government to be “cured”, and all kids are scheduled to be cured once they turn 18 years old? Think about it. Can you fathom it? Think about all the forms of love… The love between a parent and a child, siblings, best friends, pets, and — of course — loving the person that makes your heart race. I was so skeptical about reading/listening to this book. It sat waiting for me for quite a while before I took the plunge. I loved Lauren Oliver’s first book Before I Fall, but this one’s story line seemed a little too far fetched for me. I had nothing to fear, this book was amazing.
I’m having such a hard time putting words to what I thought of this book. I literally hung on every word – sometimes I went back and listened to parts of it again. Lauren Oliver has a beautiful way of connecting her readers with her characters. The goody-goody-ness of Lena (the protagonist) in the beginning grated on my nerves. Though as I got to know her, I understood why she felt she had to be on the straight and narrow path. From my own experiences, I could relate to her feeling obligated to be a good kid because of her mother’s history and living with her aunt. I loved watching Lena becoming aware of the world around her as her cure date approached — learning about love, and how it effects humanity. Lena’s best friend Hannah, and Alex, help her to see, really see, what is going on around her… Oh, and did I mention that Alex is definitely swoon-worthy?
Delirium wiggled it’s way into my heart and pulled at each and every individual heartstring. It reminded me to appreciate all the little things in life – the small things that make me laugh, the things that make me cry (good or bad), and especially the things that make me want to do a happy dance! It made me stop and consider my relationships with the ones I love.
You need to read this.
This audio book was read by Sarah Drew, I think she’s best known as Dr. April on Grey’s Anatomy. I thought she did a really good job of capturing the emotions. Though when I watched Grey’s while reading/listening to Delirium I did a double take… I kept seeing her as Lena :).
[…] Delirium was one of my favorite reads of 2011, and I was thrilled to get my hands on Pandemonium! This installment shocked me (in a good way). It’s so different from Delirium in both tone and setting, and nothing like what I was expecting. The story is told from Lena’s perspective, but the chapters alternate between “Then” and “Now”. It took a few chapters for me to adjust to the flow, but for Lena’s story, I think this format is brilliant. […]
[…] 14. Most haunting story I continued to think about this book long after I read it! My review is here. 15. Outside my comfort zone but gosh how I loved it I never thought I could love a story […]
[…] today for a “How I Write” feature. I’m a huge fan of her books, especially of Delirium and Pandemonium (links take you to my reviews)! Many thanks to Lauren for […]
[…] started this series yet, what are you waiting for?! Check out my reviews for the first 2 books: Delirium | […]
[…] fell in love with Lauren Oliver’s writing while reading Delirium. The entire series is beautifully written and masterly crafted. Though Requiem is my least favorite […]