Bourne (River of Time #3.1) by Lisa T. Bergren
Publisher: Bergren Creative Group, Inc.
Release Date: February 28, 2012
Format: PDF
Source: Author
Genre: YA, Historical Romance
Buy: Kindle | Nook | Smashwords
The River of Time Series–a Top 10 Pick for over 20 YA book bloggers in 2011! If you like romance, adventure and a dose of medieval Italian culture, you’ll love WATERFALL (book 1), CASCADE (book 2) and TORRENT (book 3). Hint: They’re not just for teenagers.
BOURNE, a novella (1/3 the length of a normal novel), picks up right where TORRENT left off…Find out what has happened to men returning from the battle, gravely wounded, to the Betarrinis, fighting for the men they love, and just who is hunting them next… (Goodreads)
I am so addicted to the River of Time series, to the characters… I devoured Bourne as soon as I got my hands on it! Bourne picks up right where Torrent ends, and in true River of Time fashion, I was immediately taken back to 14th century Italy.
Bourne, unlike the other novels, alternates between Gabi and Lia’s perspectives. I LOVED this… I loved getting to know Lia more, and seeing her and Luca’s relationship from the inside. Also, Lia’s modern day references had me snickering! I really enjoyed seeing more of Grecco in this novella too, and can’t wait for Tributary (book #4, title may not be final) to get more of his story.
I feel like all my reviews for the River of Time books say the same thing… but it’s true… these books are all made up of fantastic story-telling, sweet romance, and action that keeps you glued to the page! This story – these characters – remind you that life is short, a gift, and to look for and hold on to the light/love/hope where you can find it.
Bourne is a fantastic novella – generous in length (1/3 the size of full novel) – and will leave you pining for more. This is a must-read for River of Time fans!
Author Links: website | twitter | facebook | goodreads
Twitter: LisaTBergren
Thanks for being a She-Wolf among River of Time reviewers, J! I appreciate you telling your readers about BOURNE!
Lisa Bergren recently posted..Sweet! A USA Today Blog Hit!
Twitter: bookandlatte
Of course, I tell everyone about the series!
Jen recently posted..Waiting on Wednesday (41)
for my part i wasn’t very happy with the alternate point of view. it destabilised me.
I still love the book of course but this novella isn’t my favorite of the serie.
miki recently posted..Review: Bourne ( River of Time 3.1) by Lisa T. Bergren
Twitter: bookandlatte
Interesting, it was a change in style for the series. Do you typically like, or dislike, alternating POVs in other books? Personally, I love reading from multiple POVs (especially girl/boy in romances).
Jen recently posted..Grab my… new button!
hum i’ve already read some other and i don’t think it bothered me as much. But like i’ve said in my review perhaps it’s because the chapter are short so the alternate point of view see too quick.
For example i love to read curran POV for the Kate daniels serie by ilona andrews. That’s another point of view yes but we concentrate on it ( i love it) not an alternate in this case.
I think i would love the point of view of marcello, or even luca but one at a time perhaps
miki recently posted..Review: Bourne ( River of Time 3.1) by Lisa T. Bergren
Twitter: SweetestJana
You’ve got me DYING to start this series! I own at least book 1, but I think I might own all of them. I need to check my Kindle now. I did not know about this one, though! I had not really heard anything about the series, but knew I wanted to read it. I’m so glad you love it! Now I feel like I made the right decision in buying them. Thanks for the awesome review!
Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl recently posted..A Hidden Fire by Elizabeth Hunter (Book Review)
Twitter: bookandlatte
Awww, you have to start this series ASAP! Then come back here and let me know what you think! I’ve reviewed them all so we can discuss each book in the comments. LOL!
Jen recently posted..Review: Bourne by Lisa T. Bergren
Twitter: SweetestJana
Yes, I for sure will! I just checked my kindle, and I do own all the books so far. I got them way cheap, too! They’ve really raised the prices. Crazy. Yes, I’ll be back to discuss the books with you!
Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl recently posted..Gentlemen Prefer Nerds by Joan Kilby (Book Review)
Twitter: bookandlatte
Awesome! I can’t wait to hear what you think of Waterfall :).
Twitter: kimbacaffeinate
I missed this looks good and your review has me adding book one to my tbr.
kimba88 recently posted..Gold Train (Jade Snow International Adventure #1) by Lada Ray
Waterfall is my favorite ^^ you have to try it ^^ really
miki recently posted..Review: Bourne ( River of Time 3.1) by Lisa T. Bergren
I really enjoyed this one too! I just want/NEED more like NOW! Love this series!
Candace recently posted..Review: A Tale of Two Goblins by H.P. Mallory
Twitter: bookandlatte
I know! I love it, and hope Lisa can write more soon!
Just bought it for my Nook from your link! Thanks so much, I am so happy to find out about this novella. Yeah!
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