I’ve signed up to participate in Bout of Books 7.0, which will be held May 13th-19th! I’ve participated in one of these before, and it was so much fun. I’m really looking forward to this upcoming Read-A-Thon. You should join us! Here’s more details:
I’m already eyeing my bookshelf (physical and e-books) and starting to put together a list of books I want to read. My plan is to publish a Bout of Books Updates post on the start date, May 13th, and just update that single post with my progress during the week. I may include a list of books as a goal, but I’m always hesitant to do this because I’m such a mood reader. It’s a strange phenomenon, but as soon as specify a list, suddenly all my other books look more appealing! 🙂
I’ll also be socializing when I can, and posting updates to Twitter with the #boutofbooks hashtag. This is such a fun part (for me) with participating in these kind of events. Of course, this is dependent on how work goes that week, and if I have time.
Let me know if you sign up so we can cheer each other along, and happy reading!
Twitter: Quinn0611
I’m going to participate in Bout of Books and I am so excited. It will be my first time participating in any kind of readathon, and I am sooooo in the mood. But I’m also a huge mood reader, so I doubt I will list specific either. I might put together a pile of books that I want to choose from though.
Quinn @ Quinn’s Book Nook recently posted..Review: Towering by Alex Flinn
Twitter: HarleyBearBooks
I’m excited for this too! You can always post a list and then if you change your mind that’s ok too.
Twitter: fakesteph
OMG YES! I think that week is perfect for me! I can totally participate! (As long as my draft is finished… have to get my 20 dollars worth out of scrivener. 🙂 )
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